The Centre and its Actions
The Historial International Research Centre is an association bringing together eminent academic experts on the Great War from all over the world. Among other contributions, the centre was responsible for the historical direction and texts of the Historial’s permanent exhibition. A registered charity, the centre is committed to promoting academic research into the causes, events and consequences of the First World War.
Each year, the centre awards research grants to doctoral students, along with other regular activities such as:
- Editorial partnerships for the publication of academic works
- Organising international colloquia
- Organising lecture series
Members of the Executive Committee and the Academic Committee:
Chair: Stéphane Audoin-Rouzeau (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)
- Annette Becker (Emeritus Professor, University of Paris Ouest – Nanterre – La Défense, Institut Universitaire de France) Vice-Chair
- John Horne (Trinity College Dublin, Emeritus) Vice-Chair
- Philippe Nivet (University of Picardie – Jules Vernes)
- Anne Rasmussen (EHESS)
Members of the Executive Committee:
- Nicolas Beaupré (ENSSIB)
- Bruno Cabanes (Ohio State University)
- Heather Jones (University College London)
- Franziska Heimburger (Sorbonne)
- Marco Mondini (University of Padua)
- Arndt Weinrich (Sorbonne)
- Laurence van Ypersele (University of Louvain)
Director: Caroline Fontaine
- AFFLERBACH Holger, University of Leeds
- AMARA Michael, National Archives of Belgium
- AMAT Jean-Paul, Sorbonne Lettres (Emeritus)
- BALAZS Eszter, University of Public Service (NKE)- Budapest
- BAUMEISTER Martin, Director of the German Historical Institute in Rome
- BOISSERIE Étienne, INALCO, Austria-Hungary
- BONIFACE Xavier, University of Picardie
- BOUCHARD Carl, University of Montréal,
- BRANDT Susanne, University of Düsseldorf
- CAMPA Laurence, Université Paris-Nanterre
- CHALINE Nadine, University of Picardie – Jules Verne
- CHANET Jean-Francois, Sciences Po, Paris
- CODERA Maximiliano Fuentes, University of Gerona
- COMPAGNON Olivier, Sorbonne
- CONNOLLY James, King’s College London
- CORNELISSEN Christoph, University of Frankfurt
- CORNWALL Mark, University of Southampton
- CORREIA Silvia, University of Rio de Janeiro
- COSSON Olivier
- COX Mary, Central European University, Vienna
- CRONIER Emmanuelle, University of Picardie Jules Verne
- CUCHET Guillaume, Université Paris Est-Créteil
- DANIEL Ute, Braunschweig Technical University
- DEBRUYNE Emmanuel, University of Louvain
- DEDOOVEN Dominiek, In Flanders Field Museum
- DELAPORTE Sophie, , University of Picardie-Jules Verne
- DERRIEN Marie, University of Lille
- DE SCHAEPDRIJVER Sophie, Pennsylvania State University
- ECKART Wolfgang, University of Heidelberg
- FATHI Romain, Flinders University, Adelaide
- FARON Olivier, CNAM
- FORCADE Olivier, University of Paris-Sorbonne
- FEHLEMANN Silke, University of Dresden
- FELL Alisonn University of Leeds
- FÖRSTER Stig, University of Bern
- FRIZZERA, Francesco, Museo Italiano della Guerra (Rovereto)
- GIBELLI Antonio, University of Genoa
- GOEBEL Stefan, University of Kent
- GREGORY Adrian, Pembroke College, Oxford
- GUELTON Frédéric, former head of the Army department at SHD
- HANNA Martha, University of Colorado
- HIGONNET Margaret, University of Connecticut
- HIRSCHFELD Gerhard, Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte, Stuttgart
- HOLQUIST Peter, University of Pennsylvania
- ISNENGHI Mario, University of Venice
- JAHR Christoph, Humboldt-Universität Berlin
- JANZ Oliver, Freie Universität Berlin
- JULIEN Elise, IEP Lille
- KASPI André, University of Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne
- KEENE Jennifer, Chapman University, California
- KNEŽEVIĆ Jovanna, Stanford University
- KOLONITSKII Boris, European University Saint-Petersburg
- KRAMER Alan, Trinity College Dublin
- LABANCA Nicola, University of Siena
- LAGRANGE François, Musée de l’Armée
- LANGEWIESCHE Dietmar, University of Tübingen
- LEMONIDOU Elli, University of Patras
- LEONHARD Jörn, University of Freiburg
- LIULEVICIUS Vejas, University of Tennessee
- MAJERUS Benoît, University of Luxembourg
- McCARTNEY Helen, King’s College, London
- MACLEOD Jenny, University of Hull
- MICHEL Marc, University of Aix-en-Provence
- MOYD Michelle, Michigan State University
- MURPHY Mahon, University of Kyoto
- NASSON Bill, University of Stellenbosch
- NEIBERG Michael, US Army War College
- NEITZEL Sönke, University of Potsdam
- PHILPOTT William, King’s College London
- PIGNOT Manon, University of Picardie Jules Verne
- PÖHLMANN Markus, Zentrum für Militärgeschichte und Sozialwissenschaften der Bundeswehr, Potsdam
- PRIOR Robin, University of Adelaïde
- PROCACCI Giovanna, University of Modena
- PROCTOR Tammy, Utah State University
- PROST Antoine, University of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne
- PURSEIGLE Pierre, University of Warwick
- PYTA Wolfram, University of Stuttgart
- RACHAMIMOV Iris, University of Tel-Aviv
- ROCHAT Giorgio, University of Turin
- ROYNETTE Odile, University of Bourgogne
- SAUNDERS Nicolas, University of Bristol (Emeritus)
- SCATES Bruce, Australian National University
- SHEFFIELD Gary, University of Wolverhampton
- SHIMAZU Naoko, Professor, University of Tokyo
- SIMKINS Peter, Imperial War Museum (retraité), Western Front Association (WFA)
- SIEGEL Jennifer, Professor, Duke University,
- SINGHA Radhika, Jawaharlal Nehru University,
- SMITH Leonard V., Oberlin College
- SOUTOU Georges, University of Paris-Sorbonne
- STERGAR Rok, University of Ljubljiana
- STEVENSON David, The London School of Economics and Political Science
- STRACHAN Hew, University of St Andrews
- SUMPF Alexandre, University of Strasbourg
- TATO Maria-Inés, University of Buenos-Aires
- THEBAUD Françoise, University of Avignon
- TILLIER Bertrand , Université Paris 1,
- TODMAN Dan, Queen Mary University of London
- TRABA Robert, Director of the Historical Research Centre at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Berlin,
- TREVISAN Carine, Paris– Denis Diderot
- ÜBEREGGER Oswald, Università di Bolzano / Freie Universität Bozen
- VANCE Jonathan, Western University, Ontario
- VERAY Laurent, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris-3
- VIDAL-NAQUET, Clémentine UPJV Amiens
- VOGEL Jacob, Director of the Marc Bloch Centre, Berlin
- WELLINGTON Jennifer, Lecturer/Assistant Professor, University College, Dublin
- WERTH Nicolas, IHTP
- WILSON Trevor, University of Adelaide (Emeritus)
- ZIEMANN Benjamin, University of Sheffield
Honorary president: Jean-Jacques Becker
Emeritus members
- Annie Deperchin (University of Lille II)
- Gerd KRUMEICH (Emeritus, University of Düsseldorf)
- Jay WINTER (Emeritus, University of Yale)
Every year, the Historial International Research Centre, with the support of the Gerda Henkel Foundation, the University of Picardie – Jules Verne and the Somme Departmental Council, awards non-renewable research grants to doctoral students, who may be French or international students working in any academic discipline, whose research focuses on the causes, events and consequences of the First World War.
Applying for a grant
Grants are awarded, for one year only, to candidates whose proposed research work has a promising chance of furthering their academic career. Applicants must be no older than 35 as of the date of application.
To apply for a research grant, please submit an application file of no more than 20 pages by 26 February at the latest (applications accepted in either French or English). Please send 5 copies of your application file, along with a digital version (to be addressed to Your application should include:
- • A C.V (including your date of birth);
- • A cover letter;
- • A letter from your research supervisor;
- • A concise bibliography;
- • An analytical account of your sources;
- • A summary of your research question;
- • Your proposed research strategy.
Applications should be submitted to:
Madame Fontaine Caroline,
Centre de Recherche, Historial de la Grande Guerre
Château de Péronne BP 20063
80201 Péronne cedex
For further details, please do not hesitate to get in touch: or 03 22 83 54 13.
2023 grant recipients

Alexandar ARROYO (University of Strasbourg-EHESS): ‘Fighting on the Balkan front: Serbian experiences of the extended Great War (1912- 1918)’
David HAGER (University of Picardie): ‘The bombardment of French towns away from the front line during the First World War’
Marie LEYDER (University of Geneva): ‘Women in action on the front line: war matrons and nurses on the Yser front during the First World War’
Chloé PASTOUREL (University of Clermont Ferrand/ENSSB): ‘The charity crusade: American philanthropy and the protection of children in France (from 1914 to the 1930s)’.