The Somme Battlefields’ Partner network
The Historial of the Great War contributes to the development of the Eastern Somme region by bringing together local figures around the theme of the Great War in the “Somme Battlefields’ Partner” network.
The Somme Battlefields’ Partners
network was officially launched on 11 December 2007, The Somme Battlefields’ Partner and was the result of a strong desire by the Historial of the Great War, the Comité Départemental du Tourisme de la Somme, the Amiens-Picardie Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Somme 1916 Museum to unite tourism stakeholders around the theme of the Great War..
The aim is to enhance the range of tourism services on offer by enabling those involved in the tourism industry to improve their professional skills through training in history, English, the internet, hospitality and marketing, as well as by taking part in tours, allowing them to become genuine ambassadors for tourism.
The Somme Battefields’ Partner network brings together tourism professionals with the aim of promoting the historic potential of this unique site in France. It now has around 140 members from a wide range of professions (museums, remembrance sites, leisure sites, tourist offices, accommodation providers, restaurants, independent guides, taxis, shopkeepers, etc.) located in the Somme and neighbouring areas, who are committed to becoming a benchmark in terms of their hospitality, authenticity and knowledge of our heritage.
Your Somme Battlefields’ Partner representative is the ambassador for your tourist destination. They will be able to tell you all about the essential places to visit, the best addresses, and unique discoveries… They don’t miss a thing!

For more information, please contact Léa Manot: –